Reminder to Stay Consistent
The holidays are a great reminder for me that you have to stay consistent if you want to get better. Sometimes we let down our guard. We stop doing the things we were consistent in doing such as working out (hello new year resolution, nice to see you again).
Every year, it’s the same story with me. Food loves me and I love food. With Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December, good food is all around us! Is it the healthiest? Probably not but it is very satisfying in the moment. While I love food, my back injury doesn’t appreciate the added weight.
For those of you that don’t know, I have a low back injury from my military days. Different than most others in that not only did I break some vertebrae, I aggravated a condition I never knew I had, which is Spina Bifida Occulta. Essentially, my spine didn’t grow all the way. Some of the support that most of you have from your spine, my spine didn’t think it needed.
When I gain weight, my back is the first to tell me. This year was no different. The day after Thanksgiving, I had trouble standing up straight. After my pity party (we have need them!) I am reminded to get back to work on my body. I have to keep reminding myself that I have to work twice as hard as everyone else to get the same results. Whether it is true or not, it’s a good motivating factor.
This is a good reminder that consistency brings positive results. Getting back into the gym has already helped! Sometimes you need a reminder to get back on track. None of us are perfect. I wish we all could be consistent 100% of the time. The one constant you can have is the willingness to keep going. Never quit and never give up. You’ll have your bumps along the way, no doubt. You’ll have your self-pity parties to remind yourself that you are human. At the end of the day, you are still fighting.